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个人介绍:琥珀教育集团广州分公司项目主管,英国大使馆文化教育处官方 “英国留学咨询师资格”持有者。熟练香港,英国,澳洲等主流国家的留学和签证申请。擅长挖掘学生优势,选校精准,定位明确,工作细致入微。帮助学生成功申请之余还为学生在英国的学习和生活提供各种指导和帮助。 工作感言:虽然留学对于我们来说只是“工作”,而对于学生来说是涉及怎样走好人生道路举足轻重的大事。因此,必须慎之又慎地对待每一个具体的案子。


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  • 杜伦大学-开学重要消息(2020-09-28 09:18)

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    Dear Partner,

    Warmest greetings from Durham University and thank you for your continued support.

    I write to update you about very important information we sent to all our offer holders last week which covered; completing online enrolment and registration and also indicating at this stage whether they would like to undertake Term 1 online or in Durham.

    More importantly, we also requested that for any students who are planning to come to Durham in September/October, to help us to plan for meet & greet, induction, quarantine facilities, and provision of online teaching, we would like them to complete this online arrivals form once they have booked their travel: https://cms.dur.ac.uk/conference.booking/details/?id=1583

    Overall summary: when a student confirms acceptance of their offer at Durham & the final ‘accept’ decision is confirmed on their application then their student record will be created. This will generate an automated email to the student informing them that they can access the University’s Virtual Learning Platform (DUO) and complete the online enrolment and registration process. This email will not make any reference to the student indicating a choice for online or blended learning but it is only through logging into DUO that students will see the box allowing them to indicate this preference. They can indicate their preference without having to complete the whole registration process. We would appreciate it if students indicated their choice as soon as possible to help us to plan for meet & greet, induction, quarantine facilities, and provision of online teaching.

    I would be grateful if you could please cascade and reiterate this important information to all your Durham University offer holders who are coming to Durham this September/October to please complete this international arrivals form once their travel arrangements are confirmed.

    Thank you and have a great day.

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    2012-10-14 09:35:27 景枫
    很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福?
    2012-10-14 09:35:27 景枫
    很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福?